
Reporting an Absence

If your child will be absent from school please contact the school:

1.  Leave an attendance message by calling 780-791-3121

2. Email our attendance secretary at

If leaving a message please be sure to include your child's name, grade and the reason for the absence.

Get Involved!

Be a part of our Active Parent Group. Check out our Calendar, and News sections for upcoming meetings. Everyone is welcome at Westview. We are all part of the Westview Family!

Want to Volunteer?

Interested in volunteering?

All volunteers must have an up to date criminal record check on file at the office.  As well, volunteers must complete a Volunteer Registration Form.  This form can be picked up at the office when you submit your criminal record check.

Administrative Procedure 490: Volunteers

Administrative Procedure 403: Duty to Report


Please call the office for more information 780-791-3121